Zimbabwe, officially the Republic of Zimbabwe, is a landlocked republic in southern Africa, bordered on the north-west by Zambia, on the north-east and east by Mozambique, on the south by South Africa, on the south-west by Botswana, and the west by Botswana and the Caprivi Strip of Namibia. It was formerly the British colony of Southern Rhodesia (later Rhodesia).

Basic Facts
Official nameGovernment, independence, legislature, constitution, highest court, and voting qualifications data are largely from various government websites, the latest Europa World Yearbook, and the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) World Factbook. The armed forces data is from Military Balance.
Area390,759 sq km
150,873 sq mi
Administrative divisions (population)
Harare1,752,000 (estimate)
Manicaland Province1,537,676 
Mashonaland Central Province857,318 
Mashonaland East Province1,033,336 
Mashonaland West Province1,116,928 
Masvingo Province1,221,845 
Matabeleland North Province640,957 
Matabeleland South Province591,747 
Midlands Province
Largest cities (population)
Harare1,752,000 (estimate)
People    (top)
Population12,671,860 (estimate)
Population growth rate0.68 per cent (estimate)
Population density
33 persons per sq km (estimate)
85 persons per sq mi (estimate)
Per cent urban37 per cent (estimate)
Per cent rural
63 per cent (estimate)
Life expectancy
Total37.8 years (estimate)
Female37 years (estimate)
38.6 years (estimate)
Infant mortality rate
67 deaths per 1,000 live births (estimate)
Literacy rate
Total91.3 per cent (estimate)
Female87.9 per cent (estimate)
94.7 per cent (estimate)
Ethnic divisions
Shona71 per cent
Ndebele16 per cent
13 per cent
English (official), Shona, Ndebele
Syncretic (part Christian, part indigenous beliefs)50 per cent
Christian25 per cent
Indigenous beliefs24 per cent
Muslim, Hindu, other1 per cent
Type of governmentPresidential republic
18 April 1980 (from the United Kingdom)
Constitution18 April 1980
Voting rights
Universal at age 18
Economy   (top)
Gross domestic product (GDP) (US$)
8,304 million (2002)
GDP per capita (US$)640
GDP by economic sector
GDP, agriculture17.4 per cent
GDP, industry23.8 per cent
GDP, services
58.8 per cent
National budget (US$)
Total revenue2,478 million
Total expenditure
3,010 million
Monetary unit
Tobacco, minerals, cotton, maize, gold, textiles, ferrochrome
Petroleum products, machinery, motor vehicles, foodstuffs
Major trading partners for exports
South Africa, United Kingdom, Japan, Germany, Botswana
Major trading partners for imports
South Africa, United Kingdom, Japan, Germany, United States
Mining, textiles, chemicals, food processing, metals, wood products, cement, tourism
Crops: maize, tea, cotton, tobacco, wheat, millet, cassava, sunflower seeds, bananas, soya beans, coffee, sugar cane, peanuts; livestock: cattle, goats, sheep, pigs; self-sufficient in food
Natural resources
Gold, asbestos, nickel, copper, silver, emeralds, lithium, tin, iron ore, cobalt, chromium, coal, diamonds, kyanite, platinum, zinc, lead
Sources   (top)
Basic Facts and People sections
Area data are from the statistical bureaus of individual countries. Population, population growth rate, and population projections are from the United States Census Bureau, International Programs Center, International Data Base (IDB) (www.census.gov). Urban and rural population data are from the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) of the United Nations (UN), FAOSTAT database (www.fao.org). Largest cities population data and political divisions data are from the statistical bureaus of individual countries. Ethnic divisions and religion data are largely from the latest Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) World Factbook and from various country censuses and reports. Language data are largely from the Ethnologue, Languages of the World, Summer Institute of Linguistics International (www.sil.org).
Health and Education section
Life expectancy and infant mortality data are from the United States Census Bureau, International Programs Center, International database (IDB) (www.census.gov). Population per physician and hospital bed data are from the World Health Organization (WHO) (www.who.int). Education data are from the United Nations Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) database (www.unesco.org).
Government section
Government, independence, legislature, constitution, highest court, and voting qualifications data are largely from various government websites, the latest Europa World Yearbook, and Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) World Factbook. The armed forces data is from Military Balance.
Economy section
Gross domestic product (GDP), GDP per capita, GDP by economic sectors, employment, and national budget data are from the World Bank database (www.worldbank.org). Monetary unit, agriculture, mining, manufacturing, exports, imports, and major trade partner information is from the latest Europa World Yearbook and various International Monetary Fund (IMF) publications.
Energy, Communication, and Transportation section
Life expectancy and infant mortality data are from the United States Census Bureau, International Programs Center, International database (IDB) (www.census.gov). Population per physician and hospital bed data are from the World Health Organization (WHO) (www.who.int). Education data are from the United Nations Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) database (www.unesco.org).
Life expectancy and infant mortality data are from the United States Census Bureau, International Programs Center, International database (IDB) (www.census.gov). Population per physician and hospital bed data are from the World Health Organization (WHO) (www.who.int). Education data are from the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) database (www.unesco.org).

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